Hiring the Right Draftsman

When business is booming, there comes a time where you need to consider growing your team. While this is a great problem to have, hiring help can be tricky. You want to make sure you hire someone who is qualified, reliable, and affordable. It can be really overwhelming sifting through resumes and hiring the wrong person can have time consuming and costly consequences.


Here are 3 tips to help you hire the right draftsman.

  1. Figure out exactly what you’re looking for.
    Take out an old fashioned notebook and a pen and start to gather all the information about the position. What does this person need to know? Do they need to be proficient in a particular task, software, or skill? What type of education do they need? Are you looking for someone to sign on for projects here and there or are you looking for a more permanent addition to your team? What is your budget for this hire, how much do you want to pay them?The answers to these questions should help you narrow down your search and make sure that you find the person who is closest to your ideal match for the position.
  2. Check out their portfolio.
    Most experienced draftsmen should have a portfolio or other ways to show you their past work. After checking for quality and consistency, talk to them about the projects. Find out what the specifications and requirements of the project were and what their turnaround time was. You might want to ask them what they found most challenging about a particular project.
  3. Don’t overpay.
    It’s easy to get caught up in a long list of qualifications and skills when looking at resumes. However, when considering wages, only pay for the skills that you require. It might even be beneficial, and cost effective, to find a firm to help you hire who you’re looking for. Just be sure that the firm has an understanding of your industry, to ensure that you are connected with the right type of people.

Make things even easier and end your search! MP Drafting offers quality, reliable, and affordable drafting. Schedule a free consultation today and find out how we can help you.

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